Aloha Everyone,
First off I am so excited to be getting this done and thanks for your patience. Leaving Mechanicsville was beautiful scenery as all of this part of Virginia is. We meandered along the countryside and had lunch in Ashland. We lunched at some hippie coffee bar with a lot of college students from Randolph Macon college. Ted and I had Panini's cause he did not know what else to order:-) On our way we started to climb a few hills and it was pretty quiet. It is so nice to travel without any cars. My legs were starting to get tired as this was our first 60 mile day. Woohoo. Pulling into Mineral we had to climb a hill so we rested in someone's driveway and he came out and asked if we were ok and to let us know we were close to the fire station. Hallelujah! We pulled into the fire station and unloaded our gear and put up our tents and went promptly to the gas station for Beer. Then we went across the street and I had pizza and a brownie. Can yo imagine the guilt I feel with consuming these calories only to wake up hungry in the middle of the night. So far to date I think I have eaten 3 homemade brownies, a piece of carrot cake, hot dog, hamburger, pizza, beer, bagels, chips, jolly ranchers and other crap I'm sure I'm I can't remember right now. I have also had salad and tons of bananas. I find I have to be careful what I eat for lunch because it has a tendancy to come back at me on the first climb out of town so I have consumed all of my tums. My body is getting stronger everyday and we are all a little worried about what's up ahead. But One day at a time. enjoy the photos.
Until Then,
Keep the Rubber side down,
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