Sunday, June 21, 2009

goodbye Missouri Hello Kansas

What do you say out of the fire into the frying pan. Hello Kansas Flat lands and winds. Be careful what you ask for as you just might get it. We wanted flat land and we got it along with a little added wind to stir things up.
Ok Ok, done with my soapbox.
We are here in Pittsburgh Kansas and saw a sign on farm on the way in that said This is only for you Doug Harms "Nebraska Corn Huskers" thought of you and also thought wow they are brave displaying this in Kansas.
We rolled through Missouri with some pretty tough going. It was Hot and Humid which I remember from my growing up years and working at the swimming pool, hence the word swimming pool being able to cool off every 15 minutes, not so on a bicycle. It is tough to find a tree to sit under for a while. Our water bottles were almost boiling. On our way to Ash Grove after meeting the sweetest dog along side the road and Ted taking a wrong turn as he out ran me and the dog and continued on. I left him a message to let him know he went the wrong way, I am the navigator and knew he missed the turn because after a while I did not see him.. The Hills were none stop, do I sound like a broken record? Anyways I realized Ted is riding behind me which is normal but he is normally right behind me keeping me going. He kept falling further back. When we stopped I realized he was not doing so well and he said the heat is killing him and he is having cramps. I knew this was serious we had to get somewhere pretty soon. Pretty soon was about 2 more hours, we arrived in Ash Grove and I went for a swim in the local pool and Ted sat out at the picnic table. I told him we would go to the store and get him some Peidalyte for the electrolytes and bananas for potassium and we will drink lots of water tonight. I told him he should be peeing every 2 hours and it should be clear. Well he wasn't. So in the morning he was feeling better and we had over cast skies for the first part of the day and then hello heat and humidity. We found a few spots of relief and Ted is doing OK. Just have to consume so much liquid and food to keep us going it is really incredible. Imagine having Thanksgiving dinner everyday. Thats what we feel like, it is so hard to eat this much. I thought I would enjoy the eating but I really don't. It hard to eat when it is soooooo Hot outside. But last night I had a Sierra Nevada Brew and it was delicious! I called Teri and pretended to need help and finally had to confess it was me on the phone because I didn't want her to continue giving me directions any longer or should I say her pretending to know where she actually is. Inside joke for any of you that don't know Teri she can't find her way out of a tuna can. :-) So don't believe her directions under any circumstances...............Today we are resting and catching up on our domestic things like laundry but not till after 5pm as it is too hot outside. I will post pictures as soon as I can. Love to you all, and as always we are advancing West

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