Sunday, April 26, 2009

Packing up the Bikes


A big Mahalo to Ted for packing up our Bicycles and the Bob trailers. Now I will call Fed ex and prepare them for pick up on May 1st. I have been riding a borrowed bike, I am very thankful for the use of this bike as it is so different from my own. This bike is really working my legs. I have all of my personal effects packed up and ready to ship as well. I was going to carry on with me but too much trouble as I change planes 3 different times in route and don't want to get to my final destination without my stuff. Here is a picture of our bikes and trailers waiting ever so patiently for their destination Yorktown Virginia.


Unknown said...

Lisa, How do I pledge miles? Koki

bikerted said...

Lisa, did you get my phone message about the weight and measurements?

Lisa D. said...

Aloha Koki,

You can email me and I will write in how much per mile you would like to pledge or you can donate a certain amount. Just let me know.

Have a great day,

Lisa D. said...
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Unknown said...

Sign me up for $50.00. Koki