Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Feeling a Little Whimsical Today


What a beautiful day in paradise. I was looking through some web photos and came across this really neat picture so I thought I would share it with you all. I feel alot like this picture looks when I am riding.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Packing up the Bikes


A big Mahalo to Ted for packing up our Bicycles and the Bob trailers. Now I will call Fed ex and prepare them for pick up on May 1st. I have been riding a borrowed bike, I am very thankful for the use of this bike as it is so different from my own. This bike is really working my legs. I have all of my personal effects packed up and ready to ship as well. I was going to carry on with me but too much trouble as I change planes 3 different times in route and don't want to get to my final destination without my stuff. Here is a picture of our bikes and trailers waiting ever so patiently for their destination Yorktown Virginia.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Riding from Dixie Maru


Here are a couple of photos from my Birthday Ride. we are returning from Dixie Maru Beach.


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happy Days


Wanted to let you all know I am still alive. I have been logging in over 200 miles a week in the past couple of weeks. So as you can imagine after working and riding I don't have a whole lot of time left to write. I am waiting on some pictures from my birthday bike ride. Ted and I loaded up the trailers and off we went to Dixie Maru Beach. We actually stayed at the Hamamoto house. The Hamamoto's allowed us to set up out tents in there yard. Had a great time. Fern made Tacos for us and Teri came and brought enchiladas. What else Brownies and Ice Cream for Dessert. Then on Monday Ted went fishing and brought back 3 keepers. I gave him a bit of a bad time about bringing the fish back alive. Sorry Ted, I hope I didn't upset you. I believe he is thinking I don't want to eat the fish we catch during our trip, that's not true I just don't want to clean the fish. Not that I can't, I just don't want too. When I was young and Dad and I would go fishing I always helped with the cleaning of the fish. My job was to oh never mind you don't want to know the details.
Humane Society Fund Raising Project. I have gathered almost $1200.00 worth of pledges. Thanks everyone! :-) I saw there is an article in the Molokai Dispatch and they did a little plug for me too about raising pledges for the Molokai Humane Society.

Please stand by for new pictures.

Keep the Rubber Side down,


Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Transamerica Bike Trail

Aloha Everyone,

Well as you can see we are getting closer and closer to D Day. I am feeling really good about our ride. I am most excited about being able to raise money for the Molokai Humane Society. I really believe they are one of the most deserving organizations around. How many Vets do you know who operate without running water and electricity? Don't get me wrong they do have water it comes from a water canteen, and the power supply is generator. They also have an outhouse on site "Thank Goodness " Otherwise those hard working folks would have to go in the bushes. Whew, so I am hoping to raise some money for them to supplement what they get from the county. :-0

The reason for my post today is to show you on the map where we are going.

We are starting in Yorktown Virginia, and ending in Astoria, Oregon. The states we travel in all together are,Virginia, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, and Oregon. The map below gives you a general idea of how we are going. 4247.50 Miles. Ted says it will be more like 5000 after all is said and done. Great!
Keep the Rubber side down.
until next time.